Donations at the door or when you watch online are voluntary and only partially cover program costs. If you agree that continuing education is worth the investment, We’d love to hear from you.
A new browser tab will open the Yorkminster Park Canada Helps donation page, please select YP Speakers Series from the dropdown menu.
With musical examples and the insight gained in a 40-year career combining the narrative and emotional connections between music and talk, master storyteller and broadcaster Tom Allen brings you on a stirring and inspirational journey to the deepest roots of human communication where melody and meaning become one.
Donations at the door or when you watch online are voluntary and only partially cover program costs. If you agree that continuing education is worth the investment, We’d love to hear from you.
A new browser tab will open the Yorkminster Park Canada Helps donation page, please select YP Speakers Series from the dropdown menu.
Yorkminster Park Baptist Church
Cameron Hall
1585 Yonge Street