In conversation with former Ambassador and MP Chris Alexander

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

May 2024 marks the 45th anniversary of Joe Clark’s election as Canada’s youngest Prime Minister on May 22nd 1979. In an interview format with former Ambassador and MP Chris Alexander, Mr. Clark will share his recollections and insights garnered from his 25 years in the House of Commons, his time as Prime Minister and as Secretary of State for External Affairs from 1984 to 1991, and will comment on the current political situation in Canada and around the world in what seem to be increasingly polarised and uncertain times.

This lecture is a live, in-person event in Cameron Hall. You do not need to pre-register to attend – just show up.


Joe Clark served as Canada’s 15th Prime Minister from 1979–80 and as Secretary of State for External Affairs from 1984–91. Chris Alexander was Canada’s Ambassador to Afghanistan from 2003–05, and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration from 2013–15. 

This evening will be presented in partnership with the Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy.

How Canadians View Their World: Taking the mystery out of Public Opinion Research

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

Using examples from current issues, Greg Lyle will show us “behind the curtains” of public opinion research and explain how Canadians form and change their opinions about key issues and players in our society. Starting with a brief account of the origins, varieties and methodologies of public opinion research, Greg will draw on the insights gained from more than thirty years in the field to explain how polls can be both astonishingly accurate and sometimes spectacularly wrong. Drawing on his current polls Greg will highlight the issues that matter most to Canadians and what divides and unites us on those issues. 

This lecture is a live, in-person event in Cameron Hall. You do not need to pre-register to attend – just show up.


Greg Lyle is the founder and President of Innovative Research Group with over thirty years of communications and opinion research experience. As a former Principal Secretary, Greg has built a career at the intersection of public policy, communications and public opinion. He uses a full range of research tools for a variety of government and corporate clients across industries such as financial services, healthcare and the energy and infrastructure sector. Greg’s research has been featured in many media outlets across Canada and in 2016, Greg received the Public Affairs Association of Canada Award of Distinction. Greg has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of British Columbia and, when away from his desk, can be found travelling between British Columbia, Ontario, and England to spend time with his wife and daughters.

The State of our Politics

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

In his lecture, Sean Conway, a long-time member of the Ontario Legislature and a former senior minister in the Liberal government of Premier David Peterson (1985—1990), will focus on some of the central issues which seem to be roiling our democratic politics in Canada, the Unites States and the United Kingdom. Among these issues are: increased polarization, the decline of trust in our political institutions, the lamentable state of our political parties, the corrosive effect of money in our public affairs, the new media environment and its very worrisome effect upon our democracy, foreign interference in our elections and the passivity of too many citizens at a time when some issues – e.g. climate change and intergenerational stresses in our society – present unusually difficult political choices. Conway will suggest some modest proposals to deal with some of these problems and will argue that for a vibrant democracy to succeed, the citizen must become more engaged if we are to avert real trouble in our town square.


Born in Pembroke Ontario in 1951, Sean Conway grew up in Renfrew County, studied Canadian history at Waterloo Lutheran University (now Wilfrid Laurier) and Queen’s and was elected ‘at a rather young age’ to the Ontario Legislature in 1975 where he served for 28 years including as minister of education during the Liberal government of Premier David Peterson. In 2007 he received the Churchill Society’s Award for Excellence in the Cause of Parliamentary Democracy. Since his retirement from active politics Conway has taught history at Queen’s, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) and the University of Toronto. While at Queen’s, he led a major research project into the public life of the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin, the former prime minister of Canada. He has also been a public policy advisor at the Gowlings law firm and an analyst on TVO’s popular public affair program 4th Reading hosted by Steve Paikin. Conway lives in Barry’s Bay and enjoys reading, dabbling in local history and watching U.S. college football.

Family business and the private sector’s role in Canadian prosperity

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

Growing up attending Yorkminster Park provided an excellent grounding in the importance of family, a theme that would shape Galen Weston’s path towards becoming the fourth generation of family leaders at Canada’s largest private employer, leading real estate investment trust, and largest network of independent food and drug retailers. In this candid conversation, Galen will share his thoughts about the uniqueness of family businesses and the role of private enterprise in the community.

Galen Weston is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of George Weston Limited where he is the fourth generation of family leaders. Founded in 1882, George Weston represents a portfolio of businesses including Canada’s leading real estate investment trust, Choice Properties, as well as supermarket and pharmacy retailing, fashion, and financial services through its holdings in Loblaw Companies Limited where Galen is Chairman. Galen is also Chairman of President’s Choice Bank, as well as a Director of Wittington Investments Limited and the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Galen holds a B.A. from Harvard University and an M.B.A. from Columbia University.

By The Ghost Light: Wars, Memory, and Families

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

Lecture Description : R. H. Thomson’s book By The Ghost Light: Wars, Memory and Families is a personal, emotional and intensely engaging exploration of how the stories we tell affect the wars we fight. On publication in November 2023, it was on the best seller list for Canadian non-fiction. In this lecture, R. H. Thomson will talk about the book, the family stories on which is based and about “The World Remembers” WWI memory project.

Biography : R.H. has appeared in film and theatre across Canada, as Matthew Cuthbert in Anne With An E, and as Marshall McLuhan in The Message by Jason Sherman. An advocate for the arts, R.H. has also worked on many history/arts projects. He built The World Remembers-Le Monde Se Souvient, an international World War One commemoration exhibit now installed at war museums in Canada and the United States, He is a Member of the Order of Canada and was awarded the Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement.

Sir John A. Macdonald in History and Fiction:

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

Donations at the door or when you watch online are voluntary and only partially cover program costs. If you agree that continuing education is worth the investment, we'd love to hear from you.A new browser tab will open the Yorkminster Park Canada Helps donation page, please select YP Speakers Series from the dropdown menu.Sir John […]

Marsha Faubert in conversation with Christopher Moore about her book, Wanda’s War: An Untold Story of Nazi Europe, Forced Labour and a Canadian Immigration Scandal

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

Lecture Description : In Wanda’s War, Marsha Faubert introduces a dimension of the Second World War many Canadians have rarely contemplated. Stories of Canadians on the battlefield, the struggles of the home front, even the experience of Britons under bombing, are well known. But many of today’s Canadians trace their roots to the postwar migration of refugees from Eastern Europe and the Baltic states, whose war experiences remain buried.

Wanda’s War reconstructs the lives of Faubert’s parents-in-law, Wanda and Casey, and the lesser-known events of the war that shaped their lives. With not one, but two occupations of their homeland in Poland’s eastern borderlands, both were torn from their homes and deported to forced labour — one to Nazi Germany, the other to subarctic Russia. An “astonishing yet uplifting addition to the great body of literature of the Second World War” (David Marks Shribman), Wanda’s War speaks to the broader refugee experience that has unfolded globally since WWII and, tragically, continues today.

Historian Christopher Moore will join Faubert in a wide-ranging conversation about the book’s themes — the geopolitics of eastern Europe, gulags and slave labour camps, postwar displacement and immigration, and the politics of memory.

Biography : Marsha Faubert is a lawyer and writer of narrative nonfiction. She began her legal career as a litigator, and later worked in various roles in the administrative justice system in Ontario. Her first book,
Wanda’s War — An Untold Story of Nazi Europe, Forced Labour, and a Canadian Immigration Scandal, raises themes of memory and silence, justice and forgiveness through the lens of the wartime and immigration experiences of her husband’s parents. She is in the early stages of a new project which will examine the history and legacy of environmental injustice in her hometown of Sarnia, known to some as Canada’s Chemical Valley.

Crawford Lake in Milton, Ontario and the Anthropocene

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

Lecture Description Although humans have impacted their environment for millennia, it is the fundamental change recorded by indicators of this Great Acceleration in the geologic record that justifies erecting a new interval of geologic time. Rejection of the proposal to define the beginning of the Anthropocene epoch with a ‘golden spike’ in varved sediments from Crawford Lake means that -by strict convention- we are still living in the Holocene– but is this societally relevant? Understanding how our planet functions allows us to make useful projections, and examining the geologic record allows us to predict the consequences of warmth equal or exceeding that of the last interglacial. Formally recognizing that ‘Holocene’ no longer accurately describes our planet by adding a new epoch named after the main agent of change (Anthropos, Greek for human) would highlight the value of Earth Sciences in addressing the existential issues that face humanity in the coming decades.

Biography Francine McCarthy is a geoscientist whose paleoecological and geoarchaeological research focuses on pollen and the remains of algae and their consumers in ‘pollen slides’. Her (and her students’) research includes recent studies of the intestinal contents of a mastodon found in Nova Scotia, an underwater archeological site in Greece, several sites in the Great Lakes and many small lakes in its drainage basin (including the Experimental Lakes Area of NW Ontario and Lake George, NY), the iconic Walden Pond and the meromictic Sluice Pond in Massachusetts. Her most highly publicised research has been on the varved sediments from Crawford Lake, proposed as the ‘golden spike’ to define the Anthropocene. She embraced the multi/ transdisciplinary nature of the proposed Anthropocene epoch and is a member of the Anthropocene Commons as well as the Anthropocene Working Group. In addition to NSERC funding to support research on ‘The impact of land use at mid-latitudes in eastern North America on the global carbon budget: implications for the Anthropocene’, she is co-recipient of a SSHRC grant entitled: ‘Bomb Pulse: Cultural and Philosophical Readings of Time Signatures in the Anthropocene’, through which she is currently writing a graphic novel. She has presented the results of her research on Crawford Lake in a Ted Talk and at the Vatican, among other venues.

The Music of Talk

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

With musical examples and the insight gained in a 40-year career combining the narrative and emotional connections between music and talk, master storyteller and broadcaster Tom Allen brings you on a stirring and inspirational journey to the deepest roots of human communication where melody and meaning become one.

Tom Allen was born in Montreal and went to school there, at Marianapolis College and McGill, before finishing degrees at Boston University and Yale. He worked as a bass trombonist in New York City when there were still places you just didn’t go, then in Toronto and on tour with the Great Lakes Brass. He began working for the CBC on his 30th birthday, a very long time ago, and at the time of writing is still there. He has since written three books, been a Resident Artist with Soulpepper Theatre, delivered storytelling workshops at various University music programs and at the Banff Centre, been named an honourary Doctor of Letters by Thompson Rivers University, hosted countless concerts across the country and written a series of cabaret storytelling shows he calls Chamber Musicals, including From Weimar to Vaudeville, The Missing Pages, A Poe Cabaret, Being Lost and the latest: JS Bach’s Long Walk in the Snow. Tom Allen lives in Toronto with his beloved, the harpist Lori Gemmell, their son, and a very enthusiastic dog.

The Irish in Canada: A Mildly Subversive History

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

For much of the 19th century, the Irish were the single largest ethnic group in English-speaking Canada, outnumbering the English, Scots and Welsh combined. This lecture focuses on four aspects of their history: the Famine migration of 1846-51; the Fenian invasions of 1866 and 1870; D’Arcy McGee and Canadian Confederation; and the rise and fall of the Orange Order. In considering each aspect, it challenges traditional images of the Irish in Canada and highlights new research in the field.

David A. Wilson is a Professor in the Celtic Studies Program and History Department at the University of Toronto, and the General Editor of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a winner of the University of Toronto’s Outstanding Teaching Award, he has published and edited numerous books, including a prize-winning two-volume biography of Thomas D’Arcy McGee. His latest book, Canadian Spy Story: Irish Revolutionaries and the Secret Police, was the recipient of the Champlain Society’s Chalmers Award and the C.P. Stacey Prize in Canadian Military History.

The Lives of Writers

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

In “The Lives of Writers” Eleanor Wachtel will illuminate the relationship between writers, their work and their audience.  She’ll discuss the appetite for literary biography and how greater knowledge of the life of the writer may affect the reader’s appreciation of their work; how writers reveal themselves in their writing; and the self-proclaimed image of the writer as an outsider, on the margins of society.

Eleanor Wachtel earned a reputation as one of the world’s best literary interviewers during her more than 30 years as host of Writers & Company on CBC Radio. Five books of her interviews have been published, including Random Illuminations, a collection of reflections, correspondence and conversations with Carol Shields which won the Independent Publisher Book Award; Original Minds; and most recently, The Best of Writers & Company.  She also co-founded and hosted CBC's Wachtel on the Arts, featuring conversations with filmmakers, composers, architects, artists, etc., as well as the Toronto International Film Festival’s (TIFF) popular Books on Film series for more than a decade.  She has received numerous accolades for her contributions to Canadian cultural life: nine honourary degrees and Officer of the Order of Canada.

Joseph Stalin and the Origins and Legacy of Stalinism

Cameron Hall 1585 Yonge Street, Toronto

Donations at the door or when you watch online are voluntary and only partially cover program costs. If you agree that continuing education is worth the investment, we'd love to hear from you.A new browser tab will open the Yorkminster Park Canada Helps donation page, please select YP Speakers Series from the dropdown menu.Under Georgian […]